Vol. 105 No. 2 (2009)


Manuel Yáñez
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Chemical Research

Organic amphiphilic molecules. Self-assemblies with modulated morphology and dimensionality
Gustavo Fernández, Fátima García, Fátima Aparicio, Luis Sánchez
+ Abstract

Small organic amphiphilic molecules represent a family of very useful compounds for the preparation of highly organized supramolecular arquitectures. The non-covalent interaction between these molecules results in the formation of ensembles with modulated morphology, dimensionality or even chirality, depending upon the nature of the constitutive hydrophilic and hydrophobic fragments. On the other hand, small changes in the chemical structure or in external factors allow the interconversion of such supramolecular assemblies. The chemical nature of the amphiphilic building blocks can be efficiently applied in the preparation of new materials that have been utilized for biotechnological purposes or in the fabrication of optoelectronic devices.

Keywords: Amphiphiles, self-assembly, wires, chirality, vesicles.
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Ferrocene and its importance in the development of modern Organometallic Chemistry
Ernesto Carmona Guzmán
+ Abstract

This article describes the importance of the discovery of ferrocene in modern organometallic chemistry and discusses the current influence of metallocenes in some areas of Chemistry.

Keywords: Ferrocene, metallocenes, alkyls, hydrides, catalysis.
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Dendritic polymers
Mercedes Marcos, José Luis Serrano
+ Abstract

Dendritic polymers are a new class of structurally controlled macromolecules which are the fourth class of polymer architectures. The monodisperse nature of some of them (dendrimers) make them interesting materials for nanomedicine and nanotechnology applications. In this paper, the synthetic procedures are presented, emphasizing those of dendrimers. Commercial dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers are presented and finally, a series of technical and medical applications are reviewed.

Keywords: Dendrimer, dendron, hyperbranched polymer, nanotechnology, nanobiomedicine
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Chemistry and Environment

Options for the treatment of areas contaminated by radionuclides
Elena Torres, Alicia Escribano, Mª Jesús Turrero, Belén Buil, Pedro Luis Martín
+ Abstract

Spread of the use of nuclear energy since 1940s has increased the risk of radioactive contamination. The use of geochemical barriers, either reactive or physical barriers, seems promising to immobilize and treat radionuclides in contaminated soils and water. In the case of long-lived redox-sensitive radionuclides, such as como el 99Tc, 238U o 239Pu, granulated zero-valent iron is the cheapest reactive media and provides the best results, as it generates strongly reducing conditions that favours the redox-driven precipitation.

Keywords: Contamination, radionuclides, barriers, iron, reducing conditions.
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Chemistry Classroom and Laboratory

Historical-experimental study of catalysis in non-university teachings
Manuela Martín Sánchez, Mª Teresa Martín Sánchez
+ Abstract

Catalysis History has demonstrated that Catalysis is a major topic in Chemical Education. In particular, it should be considered in the surveys prepared for students that are introduced to Chemistry for a first time. In this account we present an overview of different approaches to explain what Catalysis means, by considering a historical perspective and very simple experiments at the high school level.

Keywords: Chemical Education, Catalysis History, simple experiments in catalysis, experimental work, examples from everyday life.
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The arylation of acrylic acid: a catalytic synthesis in water adapted for the practical laboratory
Álvaro Gordillo, Ernesto de Jesús, Carmen López-Mardomingo
+ Abstract

Organic synthesis in water has become a relevant topic that needs to be transferred to the experimental chemistry courses. In this work, we have adapted, to a teaching laboratory, the synthesis in water of two derivatives of the cinnamic acid, which are obtained by a palladium-catalyzed coupling Heck reaction. The suggested experiments prove that the replacement of an organic solvent by water can be advantageous in terms of efficiency and cost.

Keywords: Organic synthesis in water, catalysis, Heck reaction, palladium, laboratory experiments.
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History of Chemistry

The History of Chemistry through the books preserved in Spanish libraries
Ana Belén Martín Rojo, Joaquín Pérez Pariente
+ Abstract

Libraries belonging to CSIC, the "Marqués de Valdecilla" Historical Library and the Spanish National Library, contain a large number of printed material and manuscripts dealing with the history of chemistry. Those works are being included, together with many additional documents and pictures, in a searchable catalogue. This article is intended to inform researchers in the history of chemistry, scholars or whoever might be interested, of its availability on http://catalogochymico.icp.csic.es, as well as to provide a short description of few items, using them to make a trip through the history of chemistry.

Keywords: History of Chemistry, Alchemy, classical text on chemistry, history of chemistry in Spain.
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Alchemy music
Santiago Álvarez
+ Abstract

A careful analysis of the music related in one or another way with alchemy shows that both form a strange couple that have stood for centuries and is still engaged. Such an idyll starts with the use made by the early alchemists of music in their quest for spiritual perfection, as can be appreciated in several alchemical texts. On the other hand, there have been quite a few composers who showed a deep interest in the hermetic art, be it as practitioners or by incorporating alchemical topics into their works. Still today, alchemy and alchemists provide a source of inspiration for music of the most diverse styles, from pop-rock to classical music, through folk, flamenco or jazz.

Keywords: Music, alchemy, history of chemistry.
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Noticias de la RSEQ
+ Abstract

Noticias de la RSEQ / Tecnológica Leonardo Torres Quevedo 2009 • Premios de la RSEQ 2009 • Premio Castilla León de Investigación Científica 2008 a José Luis Alonso • Premios CIDETEC 2008 • I Curso de Divulgación: Los Avances de la Química y su Impacto en la Sociedad • 80 aniversario del descubrimiento de la penicilina:El comienzo de una Nueva Era • 75 aniversario de la celebración, en España, del Noveno Congreso Internacional de Química Pura y Aplicada
Noticias Científicas Relevantes 163−165

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