Vol. 110 No. 3 (2014)


Miguel Á. Sierra
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Letter form the president

Carta del presidente
Jesús Jiménez Barbero
+ Abstract
Carta del Presidente
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Letters to the editor

Se nos va por los desagües
Enrique Díez Barra
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Interview with Marina Villegas, general director of research
Sonsoles Martín Santamaría, Miguel Á. Sierra
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Chemical Research

Diseño y desarrollo de una novedosa estrategia profármaco basada en la enzima DPPIV/CD26
Mª José Camarasa, Sonia de Castro, Sonsoles Velázquez
+ Abstract

Resumen: En el presente artículo se describe una novedosa aproximación profármaco, consistente en el desarrollo de conjugados péptido-fármaco, de compuestos portadores de grupos amino de distinta naturaleza o de grupos hidroxilo también de distinta naturaleza que son específicamente hidrolizados por la enzima endógena DPPIV/CD26. La aproximación es viable, versátil y útil no sólo para mejorar la solubilidad en agua tanto de moléculas lipófilas, como polares, sino también para producir aumentos muy notables de la biodisponibilidad oral in vivo.
Palabras clave: Profármacos, enzima DPPIV/CD26, conjugados péptido-fármaco, profármacos de compuestos con grupos amino, profármacos de compuestos con grupos hidroxilo.
Abstract: In the present paper a novel prodrug approach is described. The approach consists on the development of peptide-drug conjugates of compounds bearing amine groups of different nature or hydroxy-groups, also of different nature, which are specifically cleaved by DPPIV/CD26. This prodrug approach is viable, versatile an useful not only to ameliorate the water solubility of lipophilic or polar molecules, but also to highly increase the in vivo oral bioavailability of therapeutic agents.
Keywords: Prodrugs, DPPIV/CD26 enzyme, peptide-drug conjugates, amine-containing prodrugs, hydroxy-containing prodrugs.

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Nanomateriales en limpiadores de superficies duras
Minerva Fernández, David Amantia, Jaume Josa i Pons, Laurent Aubouy
+ Abstract

Resumen: Cada vez es más común encontrar la presencia de nanomateriales en los productos de gran consumo, ayudando a mejorar las propiedades deseadas, así como incrementando su versatilidad y eficacia. Este artículo presenta un resumen de los limpiadores con nanomateriales presentes en el mercado, junto con las propiedades que están ayudando a conseguir. Por otra parte, se analiza la literatura existente sobre estos nuevos materiales. Actualmente ya existen algunas normativas al respecto en algunos ámbitos, aunque la falta de legislación
también refleja la falta de conocimiento sobre su posible toxicidad en los seres vivos y el medio ambiente.
Palabras clave: Nanomaterial, nanotecnología, limpiador, superficies, modificador de superficies.
Abstract: It is very common to find the presence of nanomaterials in consumer products to improve their targeted properties as well as to increase the functionality and efficiency. This review summarizes the cleaners that include nanomaterials present in the market. On the other hand, references about the potential eco-toxicities of nanomaterials are analyzed. There are some regulations in some areas, although the lack of legislation in this topic reflects the lack of knowledge about their potential toxicity both in life and in the environment.
Keywords: Nanomaterial, nanotechnology, cleaner, surface, surface modifier.

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Chemistry Teaching

The critical approach to pseudosciences as a didactic exercise: homeopathy and successive dilutions
Gonzalo Abellán Sáez, Lorena E. Rosaleny, Jesús Carnicer, José J. Baldoví, Alejandro Gaita
+ Abstract

Three teaching activities are proposed. They range in complexity, and thus are adequate for implementation in classrooms and laboratories ranging from secondary education to university level. The leitmotiv for all three activities are series dilutions and the concepts of substance quantity, mol and concentration. Transversally, this is used to point out the pseudoscientific fraud of homeopathy, which in recent years is alarmingly popular. An important benefit of a basic understanding of chemical concepts is the ability to detect this kind of hocus-pocus.

Keywords: mol, concentration, serial dilution, homeopathy, problem-based learning
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Chemistry of iron medications: contextualized educational proposals
María Luisa Prolongo, Josep Corominas, Gabriel Pinto Cañón
+ Abstract

To facilitate the learning of chemistry by means of problem-based and inquiry methods, at various educational levels, several proposals contextualized around iron medicines and supplements are presented. After a brief introduction to the role of iron in the human body, stoichiometry problems, an experimental practice for quantitative analysis of iron, and other practices for the preparation of various complexes are raised; all from different drugs containing this metal.

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History of Chemistry

Antecedentes de la función y las estructura del ADN. Identificación de la naturaleza de las moléculas portadoras del mensaje genértico
José C. Illana
+ Abstract

Resumen: Los primeros estudios genéticos fueron realizados por Mendel, De Vries, Correns y Tschermak. Meischer descubrió la nucleína o ácido nucleico. Kossel relacionó la química de los ácidos nucleicos con sus efectos fisiológicos. Estas sustancias estaban constituidas por bases nitrogenadas. Levene propuso su estructuración tetranucleotídica. Avery, Mc Leod y McCarty identificaron al ADN como el portador de la información genética. Alfred Hershey y Martha Chase, utilizando isótopos radiactivos, confirmaron que el principio transformador era el ADN. Erwin Chargaff demostró químicamente que el ADN era el compuesto por el que las características hereditarias se conservan y se transmiten.
Palabras clave: Meischer, ácidos nucleicos, Avery, principio transformador, información genética.
Abstract: Early genetic studies were performed by Mendel, De Vries, Correns and Tschermak. Meischer discovered nuclein or nucleic acid. Kossel related the chemistry of nucleid acids with its physiological effects. These substances were composed of nitrogenous bases. Levene proposed its tetranucleotide structure. Avery, McLeod and McCarty identified DNA as the carrier of genetic information. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase, using radioactive isotopes, confirmed that the transforming principle was DNA. Erwin Chargaff demonstrated chemically that the DNA was the compound for wich the hereditary characteristic remain and are transmitted.
Keywords: Meischer, nucleic acids, Avery, transforming principle, genetic information.

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Molecular biology and DNA structure
José C. Illana
+ Abstract

Based on the equivalence of bases observed by Chargaff and data obtained by X-ray diffraction of DNA fibers by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins; in 1953 James Watson and Francis Crick postulated an accurate model for the three-dimensional structure of DNA explaining how genetic information could replicate exactly. In 1958, Meselson and Stahl confirm experimentally the Watson-Crick model of semiconservative DNA replication, radioactively marked nucleic acid Escherichia coli and checking the isotopic distribution in various replications.

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